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Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact


  • The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:
  • Perform, listen to and evaluate a comprehensive range of music.
  • Sing, create and compose music
  • Understand how much is created, produced and communicated with ongoing emphasis on the inter-related dimensions of music: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.
  • Through the teaching of music at Oliver’s Battery Primary and Nursery School we want children have a varied, progressive and well planned musical experience based on the National Curriculum objectives.
  • We want them to develop a curiosity of different musical styles and gain experience of and value music from other countries, cultures and periods of time.
  • Pupils will become confident in performing, both in singing and using range of instruments. They will be given the opportunity to appreciate recorded and live performances by their peers and musicians.
  • Children will take part in class and annual whole school performances and productions.


  • The music curriculum in Year 2 and Year 4 is delivered through subject specialist teaching from the Listen to Me team from Hampshire Music Service.
  • We use the Charanga scheme of learning across the school which ensures progression and coverage for each year group.
  • Music in EYFS is taught in regular weekly sessions and includes, rhythms, rhymes, songs and playing un-tuned percussion instruments. Opportunities to practise and embed their learning is available through continued access to music and instruments available in the learning environment.
  • Music teaching follows the key principles of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2, as specified above.
  • Children develop skills in listening, composition and performing.
  • Class teachers will give children opportunities to listen to different music styles, often related to curriculum areas. Children will be encouraged to respond to music creatively through music, drama and art.
  • Whole school singing and listening assemblies provide opportunities for children to sing and listen to a wide range of music from different periods of history, traditions and cultures.
  • Weekly singing assemblies also give classes the opportunity to demonstrate and perform the knowledge and skills learnt within music lessons.


  • Children feel confident in exploring ideas when composing.
  • They enjoy music as performers, composers and listeners.
  • Creativity is developed through expressing ideas about music they listen to, both in live performances and those played to them.
  • Ideas and creative responses of others are valued.
  • All pupils have the opportunity to perform music in different ways through playing tuned and un-tuned instruments, both individually and in a group.
  • The children enjoy taking part in performances and productions where they sing with their peers and sometimes in small groups or on their own.
  • Self- esteem and confidence is developed through taking part and performing in front of an audience of their peers, teachers and parents/carers.
  • Impact is monitored through lesson observations and planning.
  • Pupil voice tells us that children find music in our school uplifting and inclusive and they recognise that it plays an important part in maintaining wellbeing and has positive benefits to mental health.